Looking for a good read this October? Look no further! My own “Tiny Shivers” is included in this list of 100+ books in the bookfunnel promo Things That Go Bump In The Night.
Where have I been? Well, it’s been months of job hunting (still ongoing) and coming to the conclusion I need to leave Canada. Back to California I go. For now at least. It’s going to be a task letting my apartment go and moving everything back, but it’ll be worth it. I gave notice, so moving day is in November.
Roy is enjoying having a backyard down here. He gets to play with grandpa and eat good food. (So many treats…) I’m having a blast journaling with new supplies. I just set up October. I’ll insert some pictures.
I have lots of goals for this month including working on my revise and resubmit for “Seeds of Doubt.” I wish to finish a ghost writing project. (It’s turned in, but they might have notes again.) I also wish to finally film my AMA video for YouTube, so keep an eye out! Subscribe and keep those notifications on.
Favorite reads last month:
Heartstopper Volumes 4+5 (YA romance graphic novels)
Dark Rise (YA fantasy)
Fullmetal Alchemist Volumes 1-3 (fantasy military manga)
See you again for a mid-month check in!
Laura Nettles